Heya loob visuaali ja ruumi

HEYA tähendab jaapani keeles ruumi – see sõnastab hästi meie loomingu kahte põhisuunda – visuaali ja ekspositsiooni. Koostöös partneritega pakume ekspositsiooni täislahendusi alates ideest kuni tootmise ja paigalduseni. Ja loomulikult teeme graafilist disaini, aastaaruandeid, identiteeti, kampaaniaid, infograafikat ja muud.
Heya tiim
Jüri Lõun – Creative Director & partner
Kaia Lõun – CEO, Project Manager & partner
Raivo Randoja – Art Director & partner
Sigrid Randoja – Art Director & partner

Estonian Museum of Natural History’s Exhibition Design Idea Competition
2nd Place in the Permanent Exhibition Design Competition
for the Natural History Museum!
A new Nature House is being built in Tallinn, which will become the new home of the Estonian Museum of Natural History. An international competition was held to find a partner for designing the new permanent exhibition.
HEYA Visual participated in the competition as part of a joint team with the Estonian architecture firm LUMIA, the Icelandic firm Gagarin, and the Latvian firm Design Studio H2E. Together, we created an ambitious and imaginative concept called “SAAR”, which ensured equal accessibility for all and made full use of the space’s potential, allowing the museum to showcase its extensive collections.

The focus of our design concept “SAAR” was to highlight that nature and humans are not separate but continuously coexist. At the heart of the design was a gently winding ramp that divided the exhibition into thematic islands. This ascending path guided visitors through the key themes of Estonian nature, leading them to interconnected islands that revealed the diverse and complex mosaic of life on our planet.

Special thanks to all our team members and partners:
HEYA Visual: Jüri Lõun, Raivo Randoja, Sigrid Randoja, Kaia Lõun, Kairi Põldsaar
LUMIA: Margit Aule, Rasmus Ink, Viktoria Ugur
Gagarin: Nils Wiberg, Hringur Hafsteinsson, Kristin Eva Ólafsdóttir, Lemke Meijer, Magnús Elvar Jónsson
H2E: Ingūna Elere, Holgers Elers, Dagnija Andersone, Ieva Timoško, Kintija Elīna Karaša, Ērika Sergejeva, Mārtiņš Vītols, Lelde Pētersone

You can explore our design proposal on the
Natural History Museum’s website.

Moodne toit ja vein Põltsamaalt
Põltsamaa Muuseum avas juunis Heya Visual poolt loodud uue püsinäituse “Moodne toit ja vein Põltsamaalt”.
Näitus tutvustab Põltsamaa toidu- ja veinitootmise edulugu eelmise sajandi algusest kuni tänapäevani.
Näituse graafika, teksti- ja ruumilahenduse lõi Heya Visual tiim: Raivo Randoja, Jüri Lõun, Sigrid Randoja ja Kaia Lõun.

Võta meiega ühendust